
In Memory of Yam   10/16/2019 – 7/29/2020

Yam, our precious little ginger boy with the four white paws, crossed the rainbow bridge today. This was very sudden, which makes it even harder on our hearts. We know when feline leukemia kittens come to us that we may not have them for very long. We hope and pray that they are with us for a long time but sometimes it’s not to be. Things can change very quickly with young kittens with this disease. We held him very close and whispered gently in his ears and sang quietly to him telling him how much he was loved. Yam was just 9 months old.

Little Yam and his Mom JoJo came to us from Massachusetts from a wonderful humane society. We had space, so he traveled with good friends of Shadow Cats, and we welcomed Yam and JoJo with open arms. Yammy, as he was affectionately known, and JoJo were given a little time to settle and get used to their new home. Yam was a little shy. At first he stayed close to his mom but once he had spent some time in Cookies Place and found some new buddies Yam became a bit more adventurous and Mom was not so much wanted! He was a young boy finding his own way. Yam learned to play and make new friends. He loved to snuggle with Tiger Lily, one of his besties!

Fun fact, and this is just so lovely – Yam was part of a litter of kittens named after the potato family. So since he was such a sweet shade of orange, he was named Yam. (“I yam what I yam!”)

Although his time was short, Yam lived his best life. His life before he arrived at Shadow Cats was filled with caring people, and here at the sanctuary he knew love every single day. He had his furry buddies and he was surrounded by people that loved him very much. He played, he watched the daily antics of the squirrels and birds outside, he cuddled with his buddies and every now and again he checked in with his Mom. 😊

Sweet Yam, we are going to miss you very much. You had grown into such a handsome boy. With your markings and those four white paws, you sure were beautiful. You were loved so much.

Rest easy, Yammy. Fly high and free, soar on your angel wings.

Our thanks to all who cared for Yam and showered him with love – his caregivers, our volunteers, his sponsors, his travel friends, MetroWest Humane Society in MA and all who loved him near and far


Yam had 6 Sponsors

Cheryl Mitcham

Susan Budge

Margaret and Kevin Hollembeak

Amy Juried

Susan McRee

Rain Nox